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  • Andy Eisenbraun

January has flown by

January has been quite hectic personally, so much so that I’ve had to take a step back from Disaster Response work as we are struggling through finding decent schools in St. Louis City. There has been lots of web searching, applications, tours, late nights etc. and we think we’ve got 2 of 3 in decent schools (assuming we an afford to pay for Wyatt to go to private Christian school). Finding a decent middle school for Clay is the last piece of the puzzle and it’s really tough for middle school. There is ONE public middle school in St. Louis City that gets higher than a C rating and we haven’t been able to get him in there. It’s to the point where we are looking for a way to move out of the city.

On the point of moving: As I try to move towards full time work with MNA we are working towards moving out of the city, one of the reasons is for schools, another is so that I am freer to do Disaster Response work. I can’t be continuing to build a relationship with my wife, raising a family, rehabbing an old house, fighting for services in the City and traveling for MNA so one of the things that will need to happen beyond raising the funds is to move out of the city (not far though).

Please pray for us that the Lord will make a way somehow!

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